Environmental Policy and Initiatives

◆Basic Philosophy
Recognizing that protecting the global environment is one of the most important issues facing all of humanity, the Yamagata Group has adopted a common philosophy of acting with consideration for protecting the global environment in all aspects of its business activities and products.
◆Guidelines of Conduct
Yamagata Printing Co., Ltd. will promote environmental management activities based on the following policy, taking into consideration the environmental impact of its business activities, including printing and bookbinding, as well as its products and services.

1.In order to promote activities to protect the global environment, we will establish anenvironmental   organization in which all organizations and employees can participate, andstrive for continuous   improvement and prevention of pollution.
2.We comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, and requirements that we have            decided to accept.
3.In promoting our activities, we set environmental objectives and goals and conduct regular   reviews.
4.The following items will be addressed as priority items for environmental.
   (1) Promote energy conservation activities, focusing on electricity.
   (2) We will strive to promote the separation and collection of waste generated frombusiness      activities and recycling.
   (3) We will manage the chemical substances contained in our products and continueto engage      in environmentally friendly production activities.
5.We strive to maintain and improve our environmental management system byconducting internal   environmental audits.
6.We will carry out environmental education and public relations activities to ensure thatall   employees understand our environmental policy and thoroughly disseminateenvironmental   information, thereby raising awareness of Improvementconservation.We will also communicate our   environmental policy to our partner companies, and askfor their understanding and cooperation.
7.This environmental policy will be communicated to everyone within the company andalso disclosed   to external parties as necessary.
◆Our Company Initiatives
▶FSC®(Forest Stewardship Council®)certified

 In December 2022, our company obtained FSC®/COC certification (FSC-C184363).
 FSC®(Forest Stewardship Council®:The Forest Stewardship Council) (FSC) is an international non-profit organization whose goal is to spread responsible forest management around the world, and FSC®certification is an international certification system for responsibly managed forests and forest products that are appropriately sourced so that limited forest resources can be used continuously into the future.

 In recent years, society and consumers have become increasingly interested in environmental issues and SDGs.
 In this trend, the services and products of “companies and organizations that do not contribute to the environment” will always be the ones that are not chosen, and these companies and organizations will continue to decline unless they take the next step.
 Delivering printed materials such as company brochures and product pamphlets displaying the FSC®label (a logo indicating that the product is FSC®certified) is one effective way to demonstrate to society and consumers that “the company actually cares about forest issues and the environment and is making efforts accordingly. It is one of the effective ways to express to society and consumers that “the company actually cares about forestry issues and the environment and is making efforts accordingly.